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"It’s a scary thing trying to get help, but Ozanya took a lot of that anxiety and fear out of the equation. I was able to get personalized second opinion on which provider from the team would best fit my needs."
What areas do you specialize in?
We have expertise in a variety of subjects. From general questions such as “should I…” or relationship quandaries or simple everyday questions, we have seasoned life experts that have either been there done that to subject matter experts who can give you that “second opinion” you’re looking for.
Who answers the questions?
All questions are reviewed by the team. The staff who feels most aligned to the question will take ownership and respond to your question(s).
What is a typical question?
There is no particular typical question, but they run the gamut between anything such as
” How can I know if the car I’m considering is a good deal?” to “Should I allow my new boyfriend to move it with me? and everything in between.